Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Helping Your Child Overcome Their Teen Eating Disorder

Teen Eating Disorders

Body image is a large issue in this country. Unfortunately, the unrealistic photo shopped pictures of models and celebrities that people see set up a nearly impossible standard. Teenagers are especially susceptible to these body image issues, which is why eating disorders are so common in this country. Teenagers with eating disorders can be very good at hiding their problem, so it is important to keep an eye out for the symptoms, especially if your child suffers from low self esteem. Teen eating disorder treatment is often necessary to reach a full recovery.
Some teenagers are more likely to fall victim to an eating disorder than others. As mentioned above, those with low self esteem may do whatever it takes to get their body to what they feel is perfect. Of course, someone with an eating disorder will likely never be happy, and will keep dieting until they get very ill or even die. This is why teen eating disorder treatment is crucial. Another risk factor for teenagers is if your teenager feels the need to have control over some part of their life. This can be true for someone who has a stressful and busy life that they feel they have no control over. They may feel like what they put into their mouths is all they can control.
Symptoms of an eating disorder can vary depending on which eating disorder your teenager has. For someone with anorexia nervosa, you may notice them wanting to eat in secret or looking for reasons to miss out on family meals. They may talk about their body image frequently, or start wearing baggy clothes to hide their frame. Teenagers suffering from bulimia nervosa may have periods of frequent binge eating followed by a trip to the bathroom immediately after. You may notice that their teeth start to show signs of frequent vomiting. Seeking help for your teen if you suspect any signs of an eating disorder is very important. Teen eating disorder treatment can often be the difference between life and death in severe cases.

About the author – Robert Hunt is a recovering addict of 20 years.  He has devoted his life to helping others suffering from chemical addictions as well as mental health challenges.  Robert maintains many blogs on drug addiction, eating disorders and depression.  He is a sober coach and wellness advocate and a prominent figure in the recovery community.
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