Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How To Find Affordable Rehab Services

Affordable Rehab | Recovery Advocates

Making the decision to get treatment is a breakthrough in the seemingly endless cycle of drug and alcohol abuse. However, when it comes to choosing a treatment center, the options aren't as easy to decipher. Treatment centers can be an expensive route in the process of overcoming addiction.

What are some of the things that patients should consider when it comes to searching for affordable rehab?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Life Coaches Are Psychological Cheerleaders Who Move People In A Positive Direction

Life Coach | Grey Matter International

Life coaches can have a very positive effect on a person's path in life. These professionals can help a person reach personal goals or push a person in a better direction. Here are a few benefits that these mentors can bring to an individual.

A life coach helps a client set goals and establish a path for success. Having an idea of what is important will put life into perspective. It will also clear the way for personal improvement as well.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Am I An Addict or An Alcoholic?

When I first came in to the program. I had a hard time identifying as an alcoholic only. Drugs were a huge part of my story. So because of that reason I ended up attending Narcotics Anonymous, where we identify simply as an addict.

When I was new and I heard people identify as addicts and alcoholics I started to think that maybe alcohol was different somehow from everything else. I had to ask myself if I go to AA can I smoke pot? If I go to NA can I drink? In NA they are very clear that alcohol is a drug. In fact it is the oldest known drug to man.

As time went on I learned that no matter which 12 step program I attended, complete abstinence from any and all mood and mind altering substances was necessary for me to achieve recovery.

When I attend AA I identify as an alcoholic only. For me, I smoked pot, did cocaine, and a whole bunch of other things alcoholically. Also, if I go to NA, I identify as an addict. I drank like an addict.

No matter what type of meeting I attend, I need to uphold the traditions of that program and share based on the literature of that program.

For me today I go where I can find the recovery that I so desperately desire.

Just my opinion.

For more information on finding out if you're an addict or an alcoholic, visit The Lake House Sober Living today!