Thursday, June 28, 2012

Am I An Addict or An Alcoholic?

When I first came in to the program. I had a hard time identifying as an alcoholic only. Drugs were a huge part of my story. So because of that reason I ended up attending Narcotics Anonymous, where we identify simply as an addict.

When I was new and I heard people identify as addicts and alcoholics I started to think that maybe alcohol was different somehow from everything else. I had to ask myself if I go to AA can I smoke pot? If I go to NA can I drink? In NA they are very clear that alcohol is a drug. In fact it is the oldest known drug to man.

As time went on I learned that no matter which 12 step program I attended, complete abstinence from any and all mood and mind altering substances was necessary for me to achieve recovery.

When I attend AA I identify as an alcoholic only. For me, I smoked pot, did cocaine, and a whole bunch of other things alcoholically. Also, if I go to NA, I identify as an addict. I drank like an addict.

No matter what type of meeting I attend, I need to uphold the traditions of that program and share based on the literature of that program.

For me today I go where I can find the recovery that I so desperately desire.

Just my opinion.

For more information on finding out if you're an addict or an alcoholic, visit The Lake House Sober Living today!

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